140 research outputs found

    Constraints on the Formation of the Planet Around HD188753A

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    The claimed discovery of a Jupiter-mass planet in the close triple star system HD 188753 poses a problem for planet formation theory. A circumstellar disk around the planet's parent star would be truncated close to the star, leaving little material available for planet formation. In this paper, we attempt to model a protoplanetary disk around HD 188753A using a fairly simple alpha-disk model, exploring a range of parameters constrained by observations of T Tauri-type stars. The disk is truncated to within 1.5 to 2.7 AU, depending on model parameters. We find that the in situ formation of the planet around HD 188753A is implausible.Comment: Accepted version, to appear in ApJ. 23 pages, 5 figures (3 in color

    Trailgazers: A Scoping Study of Footfall Sensors to Aid Tourist Trail Management in Ireland and Other Atlantic Areas of Europe

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    This paper examines the current state of the art of commercially available outdoor footfall sensor technologies and defines individually tailored solutions for the walking trails involved in an ongoing research project. Effective implementation of footfall sensors can facilitate quantitative analysis of user patterns, inform maintenance schedules and assist in achieving management objectives, such as identifying future user trends like cyclo-tourism. This paper is informed by primary research conducted for the EU funded project TrailGazersBid (hereafter referred to as TrailGazers), led by Donegal County Council, and has Sligo County Council and Causeway Coast and Glens Council (NI) among the 10 project partners. The project involves three trails in Ireland and five other trails from Europe for comparison. It incorporates the footfall capture and management experiences of trail management within the EU Atlantic area and desk-based research on current footfall technologies and data capture strategies. We have examined 6 individual types of sensor and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each. We provide key learnings and insights that can help to inform trail managers on sensor options, along with a decision-making tool based on the key factors of the power source and mounting method. The research findings can also be applied to other outdoor footfall monitoring scenarios

    First Structure Formation: A Simulation of Small Scale Structure at High Redshift

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    We describe the results of a simulation of collisionless cold dark matter in a LambdaCDM universe to examine the properties of objects collapsing at high redshift (z=10). We analyze the halos that form at these early times in this simulation and find that the results are similar to those of simulations of large scale structure formation at low redshift. In particular, we consider halo properties such as the mass function, density profile, halo shape, spin parameter, and angular momentum alignment with the minor axis. By understanding the properties of small scale structure formation at high redshift, we can better understand the nature of the first structures in the universe, such as Population III stars.Comment: 31 pages, 14 figures; accepted for publication in ApJ. Figure 1 can also be viewed at http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/~hjang/research

    Type I planet migration in nearly laminar disks - long term behavior

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    We carry out 2-D high resolution numerical simulations of type I planet migration with different disk viscosities. We find that the planet migration is strongly dependent on disk viscosities. Two kinds of density wave damping mechanisms are discussed. Accordingly, the angular momentum transport can be either viscosity dominated or shock dominated, depending on the disk viscosities. The long term migration behavior is different as well. Influences of the Rossby vortex instability on planet migration are also discussed. In addition, we investigate very weak shock generation in inviscid disks by small mass planets and compare the results with prior analytic results.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    No evidence of a hot Jupiter around HD 188753 A

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    The discovery of a short-period giant planet (a hot Jupiter) around the primary component of the triple star system HD 188753 has often been considered as an important observational evidence and as a serious challenge to planet-formation theories. Following this discovery, we monitored HD 188753 during one year to better characterize the planetary orbit and the feasibility of planet searches in close binaries and multiple star systems. We obtained Doppler measurements of HD 188753 with the ELODIE spectrograph at the Observatoire de Haute-Provence. We then extracted radial velocities for the two brightest components of the system using our multi-order, two-dimensional correlation algorithm, TODCOR. Our observations and analysis do not confirm the existence of the short-period giant planet previously reported around HD 188753 A. Monte Carlo simulations show that we had both the precision and the temporal sampling required to detect a planetary signal like the one quoted. From our failure to detect the presumed planet around HD 188753 A and from the available data on HD 188753, we conclude that there is currently no convincing evidence of a close-in giant planet around HD 188753 A.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in A&A. Corrected typos and minor mistake

    Against all odds? Forming the planet of the HD196885 binary

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    HD196885Ab is the most "extreme" planet-in-a-binary discovered to date, whose orbit places it at the limit for orbital stability. The presence of a planet in such a highly perturbed region poses a clear challenge to planet-formation scenarios. We investigate this issue by focusing on the planet-formation stage that is arguably the most sensitive to binary perturbations: the mutual accretion of kilometre-sized planetesimals. To this effect we numerically estimate the impact velocities dvdv amongst a population of circumprimary planetesimals. We find that most of the circumprimary disc is strongly hostile to planetesimal accretion, especially the region around 2.6AU (the planet's location) where binary perturbations induce planetesimal-shattering dvdv of more than 1km/s. Possible solutions to the paradox of having a planet in such accretion-hostile regions are 1) that initial planetesimals were very big, at least 250km, 2) that the binary had an initial orbit at least twice the present one, and was later compacted due to early stellar encounters, 3) that planetesimals did not grow by mutual impacts but by sweeping of dust (the "snowball" growth mode identified by Xie et al., 2010b), or 4) that HD196885Ab was formed not by core-accretion but by the concurent disc instability mechanism. All of these 4 scenarios remain however highly conjectural.Comment: accepted for publication by Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy (Special issue on EXOPLANETS

    Halting Type I planet migration in non-isothermal disks

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    Aims: We investigate the effect of including a proper energy balance on the interaction of a low-mass planet with a protoplanetary disk. Methods: We use a three-dimensional version of the RODEO method to perform hydrodynamical simulations including the energy equation. Radiation is included in the flux-limited diffusion approach. Results: The sign of the torque depends sensitively on the ability of the disk to radiate away the energy generated in the immediate surroundings of the planet. In the case of high opacity, corresponding to the dense inner regions of protoplanetary disks, migration is directed \emph{outward}, instead of the usual inward migration that was found in locally isothermal disks. For low values of the opacity we recover inward migration, and we show that torques originating in the coorbital region are responsible for the change in migration direction.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, accepted for A&A letter

    Dark Matter Halo Environment for Primordial Star Formation

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    We study the statistical properties (such as shape and spin) of high-z halos likely hosting the first (PopIII) stars with cosmological simulations including detailed gas physics. In the redshift range considered (11<z<1611 < z < 16) the average sphericity is =0.3±0.1 = 0.3 \pm 0.1, and for more than 90% of halos the triaxiality parameter is Tâ‰Č0.4T \lesssim 0.4, showing a clear preference for oblateness over prolateness. Larger halos in the simulation tend to be both more spherical and prolate: we find s∝Mhαss \propto M_h^{\alpha_s} and T∝MhαTT \propto M_h^{\alpha_T}, with αs≈0.128\alpha_s \approx 0.128 and αT=0.276\alpha_T= 0.276 at z = 11. The spin distributions of dark matter and gas are considerably different at z=16z=16, with the baryons rotating slower than the dark matter. At lower redshift, instead, the spin distributions of dark matter and gas track each other almost perfectly, as a consequence of a longer time interval available for momentum redistribution between the two components. The spin of both the gas and dark matter follows a lognormal distribution, with a mean value at z=16 of =0.0184 =0.0184, virtually independent of halo mass. This is in good agreement with previous studies. Using the results of two feedback models (MT1 and MT2) by McKee & Tan (2008) and mapping our halo spin distribution into a PopIII IMF, we find that at high-zz the IMF closely tracks the spin lognormal distribution. Depending on the feedback model, though, the distribution can be centered at ≈65M⊙\approx 65 M_\odot (MT1) or ≈140M⊙\approx 140 M_\odot (MT2). At later times, model MT1 evolves into a bimodal distribution with a second prominent peak located at 35−40M⊙35-40 M_\odot as a result of the non-linear relation between rotation and halo mass. We conclude that the dark matter halo properties might be a key factor shaping the IMF of the first stars.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Imaging the heart of astrophysical objects with optical long-baseline interferometry

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    The number of publications of aperture-synthesis images based on optical long-baseline interferometry measurements has recently increased due to easier access to visible and infrared interferometers. The interferometry technique has now reached a technical maturity level that opens new avenues for numerous astrophysical topics requiring milli-arcsecond model-independent imaging. In writing this paper our motivation was twofold: 1) review and publicize emblematic excerpts of the impressive corpus accumulated in the field of optical interferometry image reconstruction; 2) discuss future prospects for this technique by selecting four representative astrophysical science cases in order to review the potential benefits of using optical long baseline interferometers. For this second goal we have simulated interferometric data from those selected astrophysical environments and used state-of-the-art codes to provide the reconstructed images that are reachable with current or soon-to-be facilities. The image reconstruction process was "blind" in the sense that reconstructors had no knowledge of the input brightness distributions. We discuss the impact of optical interferometry in those four astrophysical fields. We show that image reconstruction software successfully provides accurate morphological information on a variety of astrophysical topics and review the current strengths and weaknesses of such reconstructions. We investigate how to improve image reconstruction and the quality of the image possibly by upgrading the current facilities. We finally argue that optical interferometers and their corresponding instrumentation, existing or to come, with 6 to 10 telescopes, should be well suited to provide images of complex sceneries.Comment: Acccepted to Astronomy and Astrophysics Revie
